
Sentence with the word antithesis

The Antithesis | Watts Up With That?

All sentences have a subject and a verb but their structures can vary widely. Use the right words and active verbs to create powerful sentences for your prose. PPT - Elucidate : PowerPoint Presentation - ID:1750043 Word Root –circum, around spect, look Sample Sentence – “Fearing potential danger, he entered the dark alley with very circumspect behavior.” HOW TO Parse.pdf | Adjective | Verb HOW TO Parse.pdf - Ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online. Talk:Antithesis - Wikipedia It has no place on the wikipedia 00:18, 20 November 2006 (UTC)

Definition and Examples of Antithesis in Rhetoric - ThoughtCo

How can the answer be improved? Use antithesis in a sentence | antithesis sentence examples Similarly, though the influence of rhetoric upon his language, as well as upon his general treatment, is clearly perceptible, he has not the perverted love of antithesis, paradox and laboured word-painting which offends us in Tacitus; and, in spite of the Venetian richness of his colouring, and the copious flow of his words, he is on the whole wonderfully natural and simple. Antithesis in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote 3. There is an antithesis between the needs of the state and the needs of the people. Antithesis: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE A violent criminal is the antithesis of a well-behaved adult. 🔊 In writing, an antithesis is a device used to show contrast between two unlike objects or individuals. 🔊 It goes without saying that freedom is the antithesis of captivity. 🔊 In the fairytale, the sweet caring girl is the antithesis of her two evil stepsisters. 🔊

Antithesis in a complex sentence

Antithesis: Playing With Opposites - Gedaly Guberek In antithesis you must “set the word itself Against the word” (Richard II, V.v) for a variety of different effects. A comparison of two antithetical or opposite thoughts can show a lot to the actor and audience alike. The Antithesis | Watts Up With That?

How to use "antithesis" in a sentence - WordHippo

Use antithesis in a sentence | antithesis sentence examples Similarly, though the influence of rhetoric upon his language, as well as upon his general treatment, is clearly perceptible, he has not the perverted love of antithesis, paradox and laboured word-painting which offends us in Tacitus; and, in spite of the Venetian richness of his colouring, and the copious flow of his words, he is on the whole wonderfully natural and simple. Antithesis in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote 3. There is an antithesis between the needs of the state and the needs of the people. Antithesis: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE A violent criminal is the antithesis of a well-behaved adult. 🔊 In writing, an antithesis is a device used to show contrast between two unlike objects or individuals. 🔊 It goes without saying that freedom is the antithesis of captivity. 🔊 In the fairytale, the sweet caring girl is the antithesis of her two evil stepsisters. 🔊 What is a sentence for the word antithesis -

You know, in science, there was once this thing we called the Theory of Multiple Working Hypotheses. Anathema (a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication) in modern climate science.

Antithesis: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE Examples of Antithesis in a sentence. 1. In the movie, Robert's character of an abusive husband is the antithesis of the caring spouse the actor really is.. 2. Antithetical: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE Examples of Antithetical in a sentence. 1. Before the women's rights movement, most men were antithetical about the idea of women being their equals.. 2. Antithesis in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...) 6 Dec 2016 ... She is slim and shy - the very antithesis of her sister. 2. ... 1. exact opposite 2. the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of ...

Talk:Antithesis - Wikipedia It has no place on the wikipedia 00:18, 20 November 2006 (UTC) Thesis and antithesis caesar - Free ma dissertation papers The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war, or production.